Sunday, December 14, 2008

Adam singing

We have been trying to catch this on video for sometime now. I finally got it---No it is not Big Foot. Is it bad of parents to seek enjoyment out of their child's weirdness? Well Adam has a few things that just cracks us up--so I thought we would share them with you. He is singing for the Christmas concert at school and here is one of his songs. I also got a few of our favorite words of his on there as well. Not only is it how it sounds but also the facial expression he makes when saying them. I hope you all enjoy. Bousquet out!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Scotty turned 5!

Click picture to make bigger.

Man am I getting old. On Sunday Scott turned 5 years old. Where has the time gone? I suppose the same place my sleep has gone, I don't know but I miss it! I missed his party on Saturday night because I was in Ohio. Just picture Adam trying to throw a bowling ball down the lane and after pushing it he lays on his stomach with his hands under his chin, knees bent watching and watching and watching as the ball slowly rolls down the lane and smiling the whole time. But don't picture Scott getting a ball dropped on his foot or Charlie (Adams buddy) getting hit in the head by a ball. Luckily no ER visits due to Charlie being tough as nails. One of my boys would have cried about it for 2 months. After bowling was pizza and straight IV sugar. I think it was cupcakes but it looks like the little people circus was auditioning for some clowns. I got back on Sunday and we did a family thing with Aunt Stephanie and Francis as well as Nana and Papa Gerry. The boys were very happy to see them and not just because they brought toys. The best gift Scott got on Sunday was the Rubiks cube. Man I am tearing that thing up! He would say his favorite toy is the skateboard. He put on a show for us after only having it maybe 20 minutes. The kid is good... in his mind.