Man we had a bad one last night! I could not believe it when I woke up. No one here is even close to being prepared for this. How much water, milk and bread does it take to get through this mess? This would really help our drought problem though.
NO, Just kiddin'. Weirdos in Ohio putting up with this junk. How fast does a carbon frame bike move in that? It is cold here though, a high of 55 yesterday! Buurrrrr!
Scott tested for his green stipe belt Wednesday. I missed it but Shayla said he did OK. He probably passed but had a hard time breaking the board. I think we need to teach him the: paint the fence, wax the car and catch the fly moves. It works in the movies anyway!
Adam is about 50/50 with remembering to use the potty and not the diaper. Still a long way out though. I will be throwing a no diaper buying party one day. I gave him the option still buy diapers or save for college. Looks like school of cosmotology for him.
Shotgun, Bousquet out!