Scott graduating from Preschool. Good job buddy, only 18 more years and you can work with daddy!
We have been sans diaper since Saturday! I am not saying my boys are hard headed or stubborn but I guess Adam finally decided to give up on the diapers. Man, I just got my golf fund back! If you look back to an older post I made a comment about someone needed to come here and straighten him out. Nana and Papa Gerry was here from Friday to Tuesday. Coincidence, I think not! It was a great visit with the grandparents. They got to: see the boys breaking boards at the TKD break a thon, see Scott graduate preschool, play Wii bowling and boxing, and get Adam out of diapers. I guess when we are ready for the next milestone to break we will be calling in at least one set of grandparents. I got some pics on the way of the boys in action. I think this weekend is our first trip rollerskating. Please pray for no ER visits.