Saturday, February 14, 2009


The boys were excited to hear that today was Nana's birthday. So excited we had to make a video for it. We tried emailing it but it was too big to send so it gets blogged. Sorry Nana but everyone now knows you turned 21 today. We would like to say happy birthday and we love you.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I got a heagache!

Gee, I don't know where Adam got it but now this is all we hear. It is pretty funny when he adds his drama to it. He says it about everything. The boys are doing well. The weather has been in the upper 60's. We went to the park Saturday with the rest of Simpsonville but it was nice.

Shay, the boys and I are going to the office to shoot a video for some marketing I am doing for the office. This will be our first video shoot but I don't expect to have my own trailer or a catered meal. When the video is finished it wil be on a radio station's website so I will send the link for you to check out. It should be fun though.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Scott gets more belts than a woman!

Here is the proof that Scott is in TKD. This is the ceremony of Scott getting his green stripe belt the class after he tested. He was pretty proud. He is the youngest in his class. OK, so I am proud too. If you could see Adam he is probably standing next to Shayla in horseriding stance ready to punch.

We got word that Papa will be retiring sooner than they expected and will be coming down in March for Adam's birthday. They have tried to scare me and say they are staying for a long time. I will not show fear. I will just run and hide ( I think I will be going to a seminar while they are here.). Actually we are excited too, BABYSITTER!