Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy New Year!

OK, OK, I know nothing works on a 1 month interval but I will get better at posting more. Gegee and Papa probably think the kids are all grown up now. In the last month not much has happened! If you don't count Christmas with Nana and Papa Gerry, many presents, New Years, a trip to the horse farm, school starting back or the normal boys being boys stuff!

It has been only 3 weeks and the boys don't even play with toys they got for Christmas! Not the tent and sleeping bags, the Leapster, the fish, the robot, the remote control cars, the videos, the lightsabers, the Transformers, the walkie talkies, Mator or Flash or even the computer games. Well they do play with the computer games.

I think starting back to school for Adam was hard. He wants to nap every day and goes to bed pretty easy at night. As you can tell from the picture he will fall asleep anywhere. Check back soon to see if i can keep up my New Years Resolution of blogging more.


Kimmy said...

You're back!! I've been checking in here and there hoping for an update!

I hear ya on the toys! You think I would have learned over time that they get more use out of the cardboard box the toy comes in then the toy itself.

We have a ban here in Ohio on how much trash you can put on the curb. After hosting three large holiday parties the cardboard boxes are the last to go. The box & Styrofoam packing that our son Adam's desk came in has been used as a fort....a sled...and two school projects!! They must have other ideas in mind for it as I added it to the trash yesterday and I noticed it found its way back into the garage!!

Next Christmas forget Toy-r-us and Best Buy I'm heading straight to the nearest Uhaul and buying a bunch of moving boxes!!!

Now if you lived here in Ohio you would have plenty of time to update your site. Not much to do on a -17 degree day!! So for our sake....Keep the updates coming.

Kimmy said...

Sorry Rob! That last post was from me...Kim!

Not sure how my name was changed to JeeMan?? But I fixed it!