Well I am sad to say the Rob Report will be no more! I know, I know..Don't protest. It seems they have shortened my day by a few hours and I am having a hard time getting on here. Also my writers went on strike and there is no way I can come up with this stuff SO.. I hear there is this new thing out that may become popular so I am going to give it a try. If you have never heard of it before google FACEBOOK. I secretly have a page there, mostly secret to me because I can not figure out how to use the thing. But I shall try. This has been a good run and I am sure my boys will keep up the new material so I wil have something to say on there. I thought I would leave you with one last picture and I will see you on the other side! Bousquet out!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Three Amigos!

I can just image the conversation going on in this photo. You would have thought Scott and Alex were best buds forever. They just took off together and played and played and played. All while Adam is trying to fit in. My two boys think a lot about Alex. I hear Alex wants to go to Nana's for two weeks next year and have Scott go too. Now if I can only find somewhere for Adam to go.
Scott's newest joke: What part of your body is a musical instrument? Your nose because you blow it. Ha! (I got this wrong, but it does toot!)
Here is an Adam sentence, see if you can translate into English: We went on a picmick and I threw a fruibie.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Cousin Alex came for a visit!
I want to hear some creative tag lines for each photo. Leave a comment and I will pick the best one.
Well Nana and Papa Gerry were on their way home from Pa after kidnapping their grandson and decided to stop by our house for a couple days to let the cousins see each other. Here are a few pictures of the visit. There are a couple really good pictures but are not on our camera so when I get them I will share some more.
Scott was like the little Kibble and Bits dog to Alex the entire time. He was all over him:
Scott- "What do you want to do now? How about now Let's go play Alex, Come on Alex lets play, What do you want to do now?"
Alex- "uh, Take a drink of water."
Adam- "Wait for me guys, wait for me!"
I don't think they did anything for more than 5 minutes at a time. They may have played basketball 25 times but only for about 3 minutes a piece. Alex got to see Scott at Tae Kwon Do class twice. He seemed to like it. Alex taught the boys how to play blackjack. He's a hustler so you got to watch him. We let the boys watch Nana and Papa Gerry while Shayla and I went to dinner for our anniversary. The boys took good care of them while we were gone.
The highlight of my time with them was winning one game of hand and foot from Nana and Shayla....both nights! 2-0 baby!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Scott graduating from Preschool. Good job buddy, only 18 more years and you can work with daddy!
We have been sans diaper since Saturday! I am not saying my boys are hard headed or stubborn but I guess Adam finally decided to give up on the diapers. Man, I just got my golf fund back! If you look back to an older post I made a comment about someone needed to come here and straighten him out. Nana and Papa Gerry was here from Friday to Tuesday. Coincidence, I think not! It was a great visit with the grandparents. They got to: see the boys breaking boards at the TKD break a thon, see Scott graduate preschool, play Wii bowling and boxing, and get Adam out of diapers. I guess when we are ready for the next milestone to break we will be calling in at least one set of grandparents. I got some pics on the way of the boys in action. I think this weekend is our first trip rollerskating. Please pray for no ER visits.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
What my 3 year old taught me!
At night Adam and I read together and Scott and Shayla read together. About 2 months ago all Adam wanted to to read was a space book. Well evidently it worked. At any time you can ask him to name the planets in order and this is what you hear! Why is it that easy for him to memorize the planets but can't remember not to potty in his pants? Maybe one day we will say goodbye to diapers. Until then I will say- "Oh yeah, he knows all the planets!" Maybe he needs some visitors to help him along. (wink, wink) -You know who you are!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The son NOT in TKD!
I think the video speaks for itself. Do you think kids pick up on things in their environment? I know I couldn't count to 10 in Korean until I was 35! What is interesting is Adam does this with more intensity than Scott does. They really don't wear the headband, I added it for theatrical expression. (Sorry, novice videographer/ IT dude can't figure out why it is sideways!)
Monday, April 6, 2009
Spring break!
How is this for the first day of spring break and Shayla's birthday:
Shayla gets out of the shower to see a large mess all over the upstairs. The kind of mess that belongs in a diaper or potty! Adam picked the worst time ever to decide to start going on the potty, when no adults are around. His pants and diaper lay nicely (and clean) on the ground while the potty, his towel, the bathroom, bedroom, hallway and our bedroom floor were dirty not to mention on his body as well. Adam saw it as look what I did, no poopy in the diaper. It is hard to fault him for trying but maybe we can plan this out better next time. Happy birthday Mommy!
In Sunday school yesterday Scott made a palm branch out of green paper. When we asked him what it was, he told us. Then we asked why did he make it and he said it was because it was PALM TREE SUNDAY! I think I like palm tree Sunday. We need to have more of those!
In the interest of TMI (too much information) we decided to leave the pictures out for today!
Shayla gets out of the shower to see a large mess all over the upstairs. The kind of mess that belongs in a diaper or potty! Adam picked the worst time ever to decide to start going on the potty, when no adults are around. His pants and diaper lay nicely (and clean) on the ground while the potty, his towel, the bathroom, bedroom, hallway and our bedroom floor were dirty not to mention on his body as well. Adam saw it as look what I did, no poopy in the diaper. It is hard to fault him for trying but maybe we can plan this out better next time. Happy birthday Mommy!
In Sunday school yesterday Scott made a palm branch out of green paper. When we asked him what it was, he told us. Then we asked why did he make it and he said it was because it was PALM TREE SUNDAY! I think I like palm tree Sunday. We need to have more of those!
In the interest of TMI (too much information) we decided to leave the pictures out for today!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We got a green belt in the house!
Scott tested and passed to receive his green belt. I think they went a little easy on him because of his age. He is the youngest and the oldest is around 11 or so, I think. That is a big difference. He did well on his form, sparring and breaking the board (on his first kick). He had a little, well a lot of trouble with the terms. I just don't understand that when we don't practice terms he can't speak Korean! Oh well, we have gone completely obsessive parent and bought a terms CD they sell at the school for him to practice. If he misses one I now swat his knees with a bamboo stick. Toughen up green belt! Now he starts real sparring so we have to get him a helmet, mouth piece, shin guards and a cup. "A cup?" he says, "What is that?" And Shayla, the great mother she is says, "Have daddy tell you". "Well son, Your peepee is on the outside of you , this is a cool piece of equipment that covers that area so if you get hit or kicked there it will not hurt as bad." Scott- "Peepee ha, ha, ha, ha, ha"- moment of silence "Mommy, what do you have?" "Um, yeah, um, watch tv Scott." Boy we are going to be great at the birds and bees talk!
Adam and Scott has been driving us crazy because we are getting rain everyday. They are going a little mental on us. Scott just walks around making noises like he is a radio dialed on a number with no station to it and Adam is learning how to push Scott's buttons to make him angry. His buttons are big and easy to find! I think Shayla is about to pick up a habit of shutting her head in a door over and over. Hopefully this blows over before someone gets hurt, goes insane or leaves and doesn't come back.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Another year down. Adam had his birthday on the 14th. We had a very small party, just us and some sugar! The boys have been spoiled the past 2 weeks with Papa and Gee gee here. The boys would wake them up regularly with band instruments banging and screaming before 7:00 am. I wonder what they would do if that was me doing it to them? Not to mention the boys would just mention something and it magically appeared at our house. Poof! We did have a great visit and hope we made it hard for them to go home because the boys want them to stay for good. The pics are from Adams birthday party and some goofy pics we took the past few weeks. I was forced to make a monkey face with Adam but I think it is my best look.
We could not figure out why the trampoline was not working correctly. My flips were too flat. All Scott wanted to do was eat the snow. If it gets him some water then I say eat away dude.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Who broke the snow cone machine 2?
We are rolling along with a very mild winter, I think we hit almost 70 degrees last week then March gets here and the skies bottom out. What in the world is going on? I think this is punishment for not needing a winter coat all year. The boys are so excited to go out and play in the morning. This picture is after about 2.5 days of rain and 3 hours of snow. A sloppy mess. As it snows throughtout the night we have already gotten at least 4 inches of snow. The forcast has 70 degrees on Friday. No wonder the whole state has been sick since the new year. I guess this is just a primer for GeeGee and Papa coming on Tuesday. We just want you to feel at home!
Scott has been fine tuning his act. He will soon be ready to go on tour but I think we need to do something with his singing. He has the look down! Adam has the dancing down. It is a regular concert around here daily. We are looking for gigs so if you want them to come play any event let us know. Alright, I got to go to the store and get some milk and bread (state law).
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The boys were excited to hear that today was Nana's birthday. So excited we had to make a video for it. We tried emailing it but it was too big to send so it gets blogged. Sorry Nana but everyone now knows you turned 21 today. We would like to say happy birthday and we love you.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I got a heagache!
Gee, I don't know where Adam got it but now this is all we hear. It is pretty funny when he adds his drama to it. He says it about everything. The boys are doing well. The weather has been in the upper 60's. We went to the park Saturday with the rest of Simpsonville but it was nice.
Shay, the boys and I are going to the office to shoot a video for some marketing I am doing for the office. This will be our first video shoot but I don't expect to have my own trailer or a catered meal. When the video is finished it wil be on a radio station's website so I will send the link for you to check out. It should be fun though.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Scott gets more belts than a woman!
Here is the proof that Scott is in TKD. This is the ceremony of Scott getting his green stripe belt the class after he tested. He was pretty proud. He is the youngest in his class. OK, so I am proud too. If you could see Adam he is probably standing next to Shayla in horseriding stance ready to punch.
We got word that Papa will be retiring sooner than they expected and will be coming down in March for Adam's birthday. They have tried to scare me and say they are staying for a long time. I will not show fear. I will just run and hide ( I think I will be going to a seminar while they are here.). Actually we are excited too, BABYSITTER!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Who broke the snow cone machine?

Man we had a bad one last night! I could not believe it when I woke up. No one here is even close to being prepared for this. How much water, milk and bread does it take to get through this mess? This would really help our drought problem though.
NO, Just kiddin'. Weirdos in Ohio putting up with this junk. How fast does a carbon frame bike move in that? It is cold here though, a high of 55 yesterday! Buurrrrr!
Scott tested for his green stipe belt Wednesday. I missed it but Shayla said he did OK. He probably passed but had a hard time breaking the board. I think we need to teach him the: paint the fence, wax the car and catch the fly moves. It works in the movies anyway!
Adam is about 50/50 with remembering to use the potty and not the diaper. Still a long way out though. I will be throwing a no diaper buying party one day. I gave him the option still buy diapers or save for college. Looks like school of cosmotology for him.
Shotgun, Bousquet out!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Happy New Year!
OK, OK, I know nothing works on a 1 month interval but I will get better at posting more. Gegee and Papa probably think the kids are all grown up now. In the last month not much has happened! If you don't count Christmas with Nana and Papa Gerry, many presents, New Years, a trip to the horse farm, school starting back or the normal boys being boys stuff!
It has been only 3 weeks and the boys don't even play with toys they got for Christmas! Not the tent and sleeping bags, the Leapster, the fish, the robot, the remote control cars, the videos, the lightsabers, the Transformers, the walkie talkies, Mator or Flash or even the computer games. Well they do play with the computer games.
I think starting back to school for Adam was hard. He wants to nap every day and goes to bed pretty easy at night. As you can tell from the picture he will fall asleep anywhere. Check back soon to see if i can keep up my New Years Resolution of blogging more.
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